GInger Humphrey Chef/Owner
I was cooking before I was old enough to be in the profession. Having been raised on a farm in Illinois, I learned a lot about growing, preparing, canning, and preserving food. It was the catalyst for my life-long love affair with food and sharing it with people. I have a degree in Culinary Arts from Le Cordon Bleu in Scottsdale, Arizona. My passion for cooking blended well with my desire to travel, taking me from California down to New Orleans and out to Cape Cod. During my travels I learned from a variety of great chefs and cooks from very diverse backgrounds. Sharing stories and dishes is a common thread that binds us together as people and lets us celebrate our differences at the same time.
My favorite style of foods are street foods. There’s something both thrilling and satisfying about eating food that was just being seared by flames right in front of you. Stimulating all of your senses, seeing the fire, smelling the food, feeling the heat, and finally tasting it.
Melissa Jokuti CEO/Owner
I am a true St. Louisan with a passion for what this city has to offer. As a mother of two boys, we are always seeking out new adventures. I love traveling, especially internationally, submersing myself into an unfamiliar culture, exposing myself to the locals, and finding those hidden gems of places to explore is exciting to me. At home, and when traveling, I enjoy taking the roads less traveled, seizing every moment, and challenging myself to accomplish new things.
Together Ginger and Melissa are co-owners of Soulard’s Cajun Corner and Cafe Anew.